Paper Roses & Lilies Bridal Bouquet-dozen roses, 8 lilies, personalized for you, wedding bouquet, traditional 1st anniversary gift, origami
A dozen white roses accented with 8 two-tone pink lilies wrapped into a full and beautiful bouquet. A perfect alternative bridal bouquet or a first anniversary gift for your new bride.
Measuring approximately 8 inches across and 10 inches tall this bouquet was inspired by a bride's bouquet of natural flowers that I recreated for their first anniversary. Send me pictures of your new brides bouquet to discuss a if a recreation is possible for your anniversary!
This bouquet has been sold, a new one will be created once purchased in the colors of your choice. You may choose any color for the roses and the lilies can be any 2 colors. The centers of the flowers can be gems or pearls in any color and the stems will be securely wrapped in a satin ribbon. As you check out you'll choose between the color scheme pictured or you can choose any 3 colors from the color chart shown in the last photo.
Please allow 1 week for production of this bouquet, for rush production please send me a message prior to your purchase.
Please refer to the "Shipping & Policies" tab above prior to purchasing for all shipping information.
Your order will ship 1 week from the purchase date for arrival in 2-3 days. If you need the bouquet to arrive on or before 1 week from today + 3 days for shipping please purchase this listing for overnight production so we can ship your bouquet on the next business day for arrival in approx 2-3 days:
If you need the bouquet to arrive in 4 days or less from today please purchase my overnight shipping + Express shipping charges so we can ship your bouquet on the next business day for guaranteed arrival in 1-2 days:
Please include the date you need the flowers by when you purchase so I can ensure arrival in time.
For the current shipping price: All boxes shipping within the US are priority shipped for arrival in 2-3 business days and your tracking number will be sent to you once your package ships. You can also upgrade your shipping to Express for guaranteed arrival in 1-2 days.
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS: your flowers will be shipped via First Class Mail and will take at least 10 business days and unfortunately tracking numbers are not available nor is the delivery time guaranteed. Priority and Express International shipping options are available once the bouquet is added to your shopping cart. Priority Mail will take approx 2 weeks to arrive, Express will take approx 1 week. These delivery times are not guaranteed and we are not responsible for delays or fees due to customs.
We pride ourselves in bringing beautiful items to people's weddings and homes with a budget friendly selection of products.
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